Travel Size (3pcs)

We're all about embracing the thrill without compromising safety. Each kit comes filled with art so testing your supplies feels like part of the experience and not a dull medical test or scary reminder of the risks we take. Bolosticks brings you and the squad a vibe filled approach to harm reduction and risk mitigation.

Bolosticks allows you to screen for that extra assurance, so you can enjoy every heightened moment without worries. It's all about making informed choices and looking out for one another.

Join our movement to create unforgettable experiences that celebrate life, friendship, and fun. Let's keep the good times rolling while being mindful of our well-being.

“There’s a lot of beauty in the world, so go hang out and be part of the solution instead of the problem.” - Malcolm McCormick


Prominent governing bodies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), have undertaken comprehensive studies on fentanyl test strips. Rigorous evaluations have showcased the strips' ability to accurately detect fentanyl in illicit drugs, with high sensitivity and specificity rates.


Super easy! Get test results in as little as two minutes! Prepare your sample, add water, dip test for 15 second, then wait 2-5 minutes before reading your results on our included test reader key! REMEMBER, “ two lines you’re fine. If one it shouldn’t be done”.


Scientific studies have confirmed the reliability of BOLOSTICKS fentanyl test strips. The International Journal of Drug Policy found that test strips demonstrated high sensitivity (96.8%) and specificity (93.8%) in detecting fentanyl in drug samples. A study in the American Journal of Public Health reported that fentanyl test strip use was associated with a decreased risk of overdose.

Who We Are

At Bolosticks, we are driven by an unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and, above all, saving lives. Our core mission is to provide reliable and accurate testing solutions that empower individuals, healthcare professionals, and communities in promoting safety, harm reduction, and informed decision-making when pursuing mind expanding experiences.

Empowering Safety, Inspiring Change

Bolosticks - Your Reliable Path to Harm Reduction